Joint Overhead Persistent-Infrared Center

The Joint Overhead Persistent-Infrared (OPIR) Center (JOPC) is a joint organization comprised of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), U.S. Space Forces - Space (S4S) and U.S. Space Command (USSPACECOM) personnel. The organization and authorities given the JOPC Director are the result of an agreement formed in 2011. The JOPC is located on Buckley Space Force Base in Colorado.

The primary mission of the JOPC is to conduct unified mission management to optimize the OPIR Enterprise for national-level decision makers, warfighters, and the Intelligence Community (IC). The JOPC plans, tasks, monitors, and assesses OPIR operations and serves as the focal point for 24/7 OPIR reach back and customer support. JOPC works directly with worldwide Collection Managers to develop collection strategies and the corresponding sensor command and sensor operations crew guidance optimizing the OPIR enterprise in order to efficiently and effectively satisfy customer needs. OPIR collections support enterprise authorities across the Department of Defense (DoD) and the IC.

The JOPC provides tailored support to each of the Combatant Commands (COCOMs) and partner Coalition operations centers including the Australian Space Operations Center (AUSSpOC), Canadian Space Operations Center (CANSpOC), and United Kingdom Space Operations Center (UKSpOC).The JOPC builds capacity through Coalition, Commercial, and Civil partnerships to achieve the objectives of both USSPACECOM and the NGA.

Supporting the mission and vision of USSPACECOM, JOPC personnel ensure the highest standard of system readiness and coordinate high interest OPIR collection across multiple COCOMs and other intelligence centers. The JOPC management of the OPIR constellation allows the United States to maintain a strong strategic missile warning posture while simultaneously remaining apprised of external threats.