News | Jan. 6, 2025

Operational C2 Centers take Center Stage in Space Flag 25-1

By Ms. Bridget Bonnette U.S. Space Forces-Space Public Affairs

The U.S. Space Force's premier space exercise, Space Flag 25-1, marked a significant milestone in the evolution of the exercise with the participation of Operational Command and Control (C2) centers, mostly from U.S. Space Forces – Space, as full players.

For the first time, S4S’s National Space Defense Center, Combined Space Operations Center, and Joint Overhead Persistent Infrared Center, as well as the National Reconnaissance Office Operations Center, joined the exercise as Blue Cell players, bringing a new level of realism and complexity to the training scenario.

The inclusion of these C2 centers was a deliberate effort to add a layer of realism and enhance the exercise's effectiveness in preparing joint space forces for the challenges of the Great Power Competition.

By participating as full players, the C2 centers were able to develop and exercise their operational-level planning and execution skills, which are critical to achieving and maintaining space superiority.

“Having both [C2] centers participate in SF 25-1 is improving our synchronization and deconfliction processes to ensure we are providing critical space effects to the joint force as well as protecting and defending our systems,” said U.S. Space Force Lt. Col. Scott Voth, 55th Combat Training Squadron commander.

The C2 centers were able to provide a more accurate representation of the operational environment, allowing exercise participants to test their skills and tactics in a more immersive and dynamic scenario. This, in turn, enabled the development of more effective tactics, techniques, and procedures for joint space operations.

"The inclusion of the operational C2 layer as full players in Space Flag 25-1 is a game-changer in the larger scope of how Space Forces will integrate and execute wartime effects," said USSF Maj. Jacob Myers, NSDC Deputy Director of Force Development. "It allowed us an opportunity to synchronize our operational-level planning and execution in a more realistic and dynamic environment and determine where it works and where it does not, which is critical to achieving and maintaining space superiority."

The participation of C2 centers in Space Flag 25-1 also facilitated the integration of effects across Space Power Disciplines. The C2 centers were able to work closely with other exercise participants to develop and execute synchronized tactical mission plans, which are essential to achieving space superiority.

The exercise demonstrated the importance of integrating space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance with other space-based capabilities, such as communications and navigation. By working together, the C2 centers and other exercise participants were able to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the operational environment and exercise their ability to respond to emerging threats.

“Integration is key to strengthening our aligned efforts,” said USSF 1st Lt. Emily Riter, CSpOC Deputy Division Chief of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations. “My role was to facilitate intelligence support across all CSpOC mission areas and coordinate between the C2 centers to provide leadership a full scope for planning and decision-making throughout the exercise.”

The successful participation of Operational C2 centers in Space Flag 25-1 marks a new era in space operations training. The exercise demonstrated the value of including C2 centers as full players in large-scale exercises, and it is likely that this approach will be adopted in future exercises.

“Space Flag provided a unique opportunity to identify both differences and similarities between our center-level planning process which led to a new combined approach between our centers for order generation,” said USSF Maj. Christopher Barton, CSpOC Deputy Division Chief of Future Operations. “Upon conclusion of the exercise, although different in approach, both centers were able to operate together and replicate joint planning effectively to better meet S4S priorities moving forward.”

As the USSF continues to grow and mature, the inclusion of Operational C2 centers in exercises like Space Flag will play a critical role in shaping the force and preparing it for the challenges of the future. By exercising operational-level planning and execution skills in a realistic and dynamic environment, the USSF can ensure that it is equipped to protect and defend U.S. interests in space.