News | Sept. 6, 2024

Zealous Kepler 24: S4S’s Inaugural Staff Exercise at Vandenberg Space Force Base

By Maj. Julian Labit

From August 15-24, 2024, U.S. Space Forces – Space (S4S) conducted its first Tier 2 exercise, Zealous Kepler 24 (ZK24), which was designed to prepare S4S for its wartime mission. The staff exercise involved tailored participation from subordinate units to refine and validate S4S’s organizational concepts of operational employment.

Exercise planners participated in various planning events leading up to the exercise, such as the mid-planning conference and final-planning conference, during which staff and subordinate units identified and refined training objectives based on joint mission essential tasks.

The exercise aimed to improve coordination and efficiency in command and control between the S4S staff and its operations centers with the purpose of preparing the command for future integrated exercises. It involved planning and executing orders, identifying communication gaps, and validating organizational design.

“ZK24 was not an exercise aimed at winning a war,” said USSF Lt. Col. Dennis Krill Jr., S4S Future Operations, “but aimed at improving our processes to prepare for war. It involved understanding the campaign and the tasks needed to set up a campaign.  S4S needed to do this as a Staff and as Operations Centers in order to provide our Commander the options needed for success.”
ZK24 showcased S4S’s readiness and commitment to defending U.S. interests in space. The exercise tested and refined tactics, techniques, and procedures in realistic scenarios, demonstrating the S4S’s staff functions and processes.

“ZK24 was an extraordinary effort by our team,” said USSF Maj. Phillip Poundstone, S4S S35 Plans and Orders Branch Chief. “The tireless work put into planning, coordination, and execution truly paid off. We’re grateful for the participation of our subordinate units and the valuable lessons learned during this inaugural staff exercise at Vandenberg Space Force Base. ZK24 showcased our readiness and commitment to defending U.S. interests in space, and we’re proud to contribute to the secure and stable space domain.”

The efforts and outcomes of ZK24 will play an integral part of S4S’s role in future exercises, including Tier 1 exercises hosted by Combatant Commands. In future iterations, the command intends to incorporate Allies and Partners to better plan, execute, and integrate military space power into multi-domain global operations to protect against aggressors, defend national interests, and, when necessary, defeat threats.