News | Aug. 15, 2024

Allied space leaders strengthen integration efforts at Space Delta 15/National Space Defense Center

By Maj. Julian Labit

U.S. Space Force Col. Stephen Lyon, National Space Defense Center director and Space Delta 15 commander, third from left, and USSF Col. Eric Bogue, NSDC deputy director and National Reconnaissance Office Integration Synchronization Team director, first from left, poses with Australian Army Brigadier Christopher Gardiner, General Space Operations Coordination director, second from left, and Royal Canadian Air Force Brig. Gen. Christopher Horner, Commander 3 Canadian Space Division, fourth from left, in the NSDC on Schriever Space Force Base, Colo., Aug. 13, 2024. The distinguished visitors received the NSDC mission brief and operations floor tour, marking the first time Allies toured the “Senior Master Sergeant H. Robert Mosely II” operations floor. This visit entailed discussions strengthening Allied and Partner integration in operational planning efforts for the U.S. Space Forces-Space’s Protect and Defend Mission. DEL 15/NSDC is one of two subordinate Command and Control Commands executing operations under the S4S commander’s Combined Joint Force Space Component Commander authorities. The S4S mission is to plan, integrate, conduct, and assess global space operations to deliver combat relevant space effects, in, from, and to space, for Combatant Commanders, Coalition partners, the Joint Force, and the Nation. (U.S. Space Force photo by Dalton Prejeant)