News | Feb. 23, 2024


U.S. Space Forces-Space Public Affairs

U.S. Space Force Col. Stephen Lyon, National Space Defense Center director, hosts Ms. Caryn Hamner, left, National Security Advisor, Office of Senator Fischer (R-NE) and Mr. Frank Broomell, right, NSA, Office of Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) during visit at Schriever Space Force Base, Colo., Feb. 22, 2024. Hamner and Broomell also visited the Joint Commercial Operations Cell in Colorado Springs, Colo., Feb. 21, 2024. Hamner and Broomell received mission briefings from the NSDC and JCO, as part of a larger familiarization tour across the state of Colorado. The NSDC deters aggression, defends capabilities, and defeats adversaries throughout the conflict continuum in order to gain and maintain space superiority. The JCO, an extension of the NSDC operations floor, provides the space defense enterprise with timely and accurate identification, analysis, and warning of potential counterspace activity, leveraging industry and allied capabilities at the non-classified level to enable maximum distribution and collaboration in support of operational and strategic objectives. (U.S. Space Force photo by Tiana Williams)