News | Jan. 9, 2024

Ceremony recognizes C/JFSCC designation, deactivates CFSCC, JTF-SD

U.S. Space Command Commander Army Gen. James H. Dickinson designated the commander of U.S. Space Forces-Space (S4S) as his Combined Joint Force Space Component Commander and deactivated the Combined Force Space Component Command and Joint Task Force-Space Defense during ceremonies here and at Schriever SFB, Colo., Jan. 8, 2024.

The deactivation followed the establishment of S4S Dec. 6, 2023, which now serves as the U.S. Space Force component to USSPACECOM.

Dickinson’s designation of the S4S Commander Space Force Lt. Gen. Douglas A. Schiess to serve as the C/JFSCC grants Schiess delegated authority over all U.S. Space Force forces assigned or attached to USSPACECOM and the joint forces previously assigned or attached within CFSCC and JTF-SD.

“I’m incredibly proud of the men and women of CFSCC and JTF-SD who, since 2019, have worked tirelessly together to provide space-based capabilities to the joint warfighter, while protecting and defending U.S. and Allied interests in the space domain,” Dickinson said. “This designation demonstrates the maturation and integration of their capabilities and will generate greater efficiencies and unity of effort to best meet the challenges presented by the dynamic national security environment.”

Schiess will exercise command and control of designated assigned and attached forces in order to deliver combat relevant space effects, in, from and to space, for Combatant Commanders, Coalition partners, the Joint Force and the Nation. 

“It is an honor to serve as the Combined Joint Force Space Component Commander as we continue to plan, integrate, conduct, and assess global space operations,” Schiess said. “This organizational structure ensures that the joint, multinational force is best able to support USSPACECOM as we protect, defend and deliver space capabilities.”

Since the 11th Combatant Command stood up Aug. 29, 2019, USSPACECOM has worked to establish the most efficient organizational structure to accomplish its mission – working with allies and partners to plan, execute, and integrate military spacepower into multi-domain global operations in order to deter aggression, defend national interests, and, when necessary, defeat threats.