News | May 24, 2024

Honorable Secretary Kendall visits S4S

By Tech. Sgt. Luke Kitterman U.S. Space Forces - Space Public Affairs

The Honorable Frank Kendall, Secretary of the Air Force, visited Vandenberg Space Forces Base, Calif., May 21-22, to immerse with Space Launch Delta 30 and U.S. Space Forces - Space (S4S). During Secretary Kendall's time at Headquarters S4S, U.S. Space Force Lt. Gen. Douglas A. Schiess, S4S commander and Combined Joint Force Space Component Commander, and other key members of the S4S team were able to about how S4S members "Protect, Defend, Deliver" space capabilities to combat challenges posed by Great Power Competition. (U.S. Space Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Luke Kitterman)